Thursday, September 10, 2009

In love, in like, in lust.....

In Love, in like, in lust, infatutaion, adoration, appreciation, obsession, affection.
What is the difference? What is true love? Why are there so many versions of love?

First off, being "in love" is totally different then plain old LOVE. You love your parents, you love your sister, you may even love some of your friends. Love is a rather simple feeling. It's peaceful and calming. It combines comfort with admiration, appreciation and unconditional understanding. People throw out the "L-bomb" pretty regularly. That's ok if you understand what that means. I mean I do love my friends and I REALLY do LOVE my makeup!!

Being in love feels like a an explosion of adrenaline and fireworks that make your heart pound, your skin glow and make the butterflies rumble in your tummy. Being in love is like being on a rollercoaster 24/7. You feel alive purposeful, and alert. everything is happy, nothing brings you down. The world is in your hands and you are unstoppable.

Being in Lust feels oddly similar to being in love. What is "in lust'? OOh, Lust, soo good,yet soo bad. Lust is deep desire for something naughty. Lust makes you feel good but for all the wrong reasons. Humans need lust. Lust completes us. How can we know good without knowing bad? Lust makes you feel those butterflies and keeps your heart pounding. BUT, you cannot control lust. You are not on top of the world in lust. Lust is fun, but lust is not everlasting. When in a lustful high be prepared to go through withdrawls....

In like is what you feel when you are 14. You think you are in love with your teenage boyfriend, but you are really in like. Being in like is the feeling you get when you think that guy or gal is super cute. You start to get to know them and are increasingly intrigued. You think you could dig them but you need to find out more. You get excited to seem them. You wear your cutest clothes to imress them. Being in like can make you more attentive to yourself. Typically you'll try to put your best foot forward to impress your target. When in like, we typically slim down, dress up, try new hair styles, and are thouroughly groomed. When you are in like you have a crush. Crushes are great and crushes are fun. I personally love having crushes. However, the best part about my crushes is that they never go anywhere and only I know about them. Being in like is fun. It's a carefree wonderful feeling that everyone experiences here and there.

Adoration. Adoration is having a deep appreciation and respect for someone. I adored my high school BF. I just think he is great. He is hilarious and super intelligent. Did I love him? Yes. Was I in love with him? Who knows, I was 17. Do I love him now? I have love for him, but mostly adoration. There are so many people you can adore. I adore the people I work with. I adore my hairdresser. I adore my college professor. It's not quite love, its complete adoration. They are just adorable!

Finally, true deep, soul mate LOVE. This type of love occurs when you are in love with someone while at the same time having love for them while lusting,adoring, obsessing,admiring and appreciating them.. This is how I feel about my hubby. When we were engaged, OMG,was I soooo in love with him. He could do no wrong. All of his flaws were minimized and all of his good traits were maximized. I'd do anything to be with him. I'd travel anywhere and do anything to be with him. I'd ignore the entire outside world to be with my lover. Also, I couldn't get enough of him, I just wanted his sexy manhood like a dog wants a bone! That's all I could think about. And although those lusty feelings tend to fade when you say those I do's, there are ways we spark them back up again.

Many people get into a rut when they marry their true love. True love is hard to deal with. there is DEF a thin line between love and hate. Your true love can make you feel amazing, but at the same time make you homicidal. NOW no one talks about this, but we all know it's true. Your true love makes you feel a myriad of intense emotions. There are some good and some that are bad. I mean we have all heard of crimes of passion!!! Personally, my intense good feelings towards my love severely minimize my occasional frustration. In times of heated argument, I simply look down at my 3 1/2 carat pave and diamond ring and feel better knowing his life savings is on my finger. The bling always sings!

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