Sunday, September 6, 2009

Why The Real World Cancun is so bad

As a teen, I loved watching the Real World on MTV. Eric, Julie, Becky in NYC, how could you not be intrigued? Probably the most memorable season for me is San Francisco with Pedro and Puck. Those people had ISSUES! Their lives were so real and raw right before our very eyes.

The Real word was revoltionary. It has paved the way for our now reality show obsessed world. But alas, the Real world is not the show it used to be.

This season the show takes place in Cancun. When I think of Cancun I think of SEX, alcohol, wild and crazy behavior...edge of your seat type drama!! However, somehow this Real World cast has taken all of the fun and titillation out of freakin Cancun, Mexico!! How?!! Why is the Real World such a suckfest?

The reason The Real World is such a bad show now is because it is no longer "REAL". The seven (or 8) strangers are not "real" looking people. They all look alike and are cookie cutter little MTV spring breakers. If you are too good looking, typically your problems aren't as interesting. Compare the first 10 cast members to the last 10 and you'll see what I mean. Sure every cast had a few hotties. But for the most part everyone was different and adorably average.

I literally cannot tell the difference between the 4 girls on the Cancun cast. They all look the same. Petite, dark hair and I think all of them have worked at some point as waitresses at Hooters. The only interesting chracter was Joey and they kicked him off. Damn it, Mtv!! I was hoping maybe they'd replace him with a semi -interesting new castmate, but they did not.

Also, now the Real World is a hour long. Yet 40 minutes of that hour is spent on commercial breaks. If I see another commercial for Truth(which btw is funded by cigarette companies), I might consider becoming a smoker!! I miss my 30 minutes, in and out. One hour is torture. I literally got 10 bathroom breaks(could have been cigarette breaks) when I watched last Wednsday. Thank god for facebook chat or I may have fallen asleep.

Moral off this entry: Real people have real problems. Good looking 19 year olds are vapid and boring, even with alcohol.

1 comment:

  1. Thank god it ended last night!!! And they brought Joey back!!
